The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Bogotá, EFE

The Colombian Government and the United Nations (19459007) today presented in Bogota the campaign "#Reaccionemosenlasredes" with which they seek to prevent trafficking in persons

The Director of Migration, Consular Affairs and Citizen Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, María del Pilar Gómez, badured journalists that with the initiative, it is planned to reduce the victims of this crime, only in the last four "Between 2014 and 2018, badistance was provided to 338 victims outside the modalities of exploitation of labor, badual exploitation and servile marriage" , said Gómez

. The official explained that "in the last five years the main destinations of the victims of trafficking are China, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. . The department in which more people are affected by the crime is Valle del Cauca, Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Caldas and Risaralda .

"I want to make a special appeal to young sportsmen and salsa dancers because they make attractive offers via the internet and we ask them to pay attention to this type of offer because in some cases, they are fraudulent offers, "added Gómez.

The initiative was presented by the Colombian Chancery and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the part of the World Day Against Human Trafficking, which has been held since 2014.

For his part, David Alamos Martinez, UNODC's Chief of Crime Prevention and Strengthening Justice (Projust), has stated that the scourge mainly affects women.

" Each year, there are 357,000 new victims of human trafficking. ata in the world mainly injuring women with 79% and men with 21%, "said Alamos, who said that of the women affected, 51% are over 18 and 20% are girls.

He adds that according to the Colombian Office of the Prosecutor, between 1945 and 2018, opened 488 investigations for trafficking in human beings and that 70% of these cases took place in Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Risaralda and Bogota. 19659003] According to Unodc figures, trafficking in human beings is the third most lucrative illegal activity of international criminal organizations after drug and weapons trafficking, with annual profits of 32 billions of dollars.

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