The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Until August 4, the National Adapted Sports Games will be held. Competition in Nine Disciplines


More than 600 Paralympic and Sordo-Olympic athletes from 15 provinces are participating in the third edition of the National Adapted Sport Games, which runs until August 4th.

Yesterday was the inauguration at the Jéfferson Pérez Coliseum, in Cuenca, which was already headquarters in 2016. The event has the support of the Ecuadorian Paralympic Committee and the Sports Federation of this city.

The oath was in charge of the gold medalist and silver worldwide in the apartment of 400 meters Damián Carcelén. Meanwhile, Darwin Castro and Sebastián Rosero (cuencanos) caught fire and lit the Olympic fire with José Rizzo of Guayaquil.

About participation
The participating delegations are Carchi, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Imbabura, Guayas, Manabí, Napo, Los Rios, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de Tsáchilas, Sucumbíos, Tungurahua and Cuenca.

They will compete in the disciplines of swimming, taekwondo, boccias, table tennis, wheelchair basketball, futsal, goalball (throwing the ball with the hand), rowing and of athletics.

$ 120,000.00
Investment for the Games.
Hugo Angos, representative of the Secretary of Sport and head of the Organizing Committee, was pleased with the realization of the event and thanked the support for the scenarios like the Totoracocha sports complex, the Coliseum and the track Track and Field Jefferson Perez.

On the other hand, the weightlifter Seledina Nieves, area coordinator 1, sent the best vibes and promised many successes to all.

Since Saturday, some tests have been performed, among which Azuena Belén García figured, who won two gold medals and one silver in the 200 meters free, 100 (chest ) and 50 m (butterfly). The capital Erick Tandazo has reached the gold within 200 meters.

Taekwondo also recorded results. In hearing loss the males remained in first place Gabriel Jativa imbabureño and second place went to his compatriot John Espinoza. While among women with intellectual disabilities, the gold medal went to Fátima Vargas, de Guayas; and Ariel García, of Pichincha

In the boccia competition, good results were also recorded for Pichincha and Guayas, Jorge Delgado (BC2), of the capital, won the first place. The & # 39; albiceleste & # 39; César Vélez (BC4) has also shown all his power. (SJMS)

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