The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Lenin Moreno invites to exercise the business and notes that there are no vacancies in the state.

"The public sector no longer gives for a permanent job.We have nowhere to place people.In other words, if someone has the hope of working in the country. State, I am very afraid to discourage it.On the other hand, we have resources and money to give them, through the State Bank. so that they can begin. "Thus, President Lenin Moreno, called on the country's youth to become the main engine of the economy through their productive initiatives.

Yesterday, at a youth entrepreneurship fair at Carondelet Palace, the president said that only the support of entrepreneurs can move the country forward. He also pointed out that there must be a change of mentality to encourage young people not to aspire to be employees, but owners of their own business and destination

"Entrepreneurs gain freedom they own their time and the result is the effort of what they did.He added that the country's goal should be to meet the standards of companies like the United States, where 70% of young people are looking to become entrepreneurs and only 30% want to be entrepreneurs employee

"Try, experiment. Life is for that, we come to the world to make mistakes and learn. The accumulation of errors and the encounter with solutions will lead us to success, "said Moreno, while lamenting that the company is still stigmatized.

34,000 beneficiaries
Elías Tenorio, technical secretary of Youth, explained that the Young Impulse program does not only give loans of 50 to 20,000 dollars, but an interest rate of 11% is offered, 10 points less than the cost of microenterprise loans in private banks.

But most importantly, and given that statistics determine that more than 80% of companies do not exceed the first year, an important element is advice and technical support, both in the implementation Productive Processes Only in Marketing

Since last year, we have granted 34,000 loans to entrepreneurs, with an investment of $ 96 million, "said Tenorio. 003] Jessica Narváez baderted that with her The Stevida Dam, dedicated to herbal teas, jams and other foods sweetened with stevia, had to make a lot of sacrifices and knock many doors, but the results are seen little by little .

"I received a loan of 20,000 dollars, but mostly the support to be able to arrive with the products at the hangers of the country's largest supermarkets.More than 30 Imbabura families are enjoying the benefit. business, "he adds.

Diego Caceres, originally from Cañar, thanks to the credit of Ban Ecuador and the advice of several government agencies, has succeeded in developing his agricultural spraying service. through drones. "The day we can fumigate more than 20 hectares," he said. (JS)

The Minister relativises the figures of the CENI
° "So far this year, the IESS has registered more than 77,000 new affiliations, 75% of which come from the sector. productive. This means that entrepreneurs believe in the politics of President (Lenin) Moreno and employ people. "Thus, Eva Garcia, Minister of Industry, joined the voices of other officials who relativize the figures of employment given by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC)

In addition, stated that citizens can verify that working positions according to the economically active population (EAP) have not decreased over the last year.

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