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Police and firefighters in Austria captured a kangaroo in the alpine town of Mattsee, whose unusual appearance at night almost caused a traffic accident.

reported by the Salzburg Police Directorate, the Austrian state bordering on German Bavaria, the incident occurred last night near the town of Zellhof.

The note explains that a scared car driver warned a police patrol of I was almost colliding with a kangaroo sitting at the edge of a roadside meadow that I driving.

"Surprised police officers could actually see the kangaroo" and were trying to capture him on foot, "but they did not have" Due to the speed of the animal ", says release

"It is only with the help of volunteers from the Mattsee Fire Brigade that the animal can be" arrested "and captured after more than an hour of persecution. ", he adds,

For the moment, we do not know who owns the kangaroo and how it reached the Austrian Alps.

The "inmate", a "white kangaroo", was immobilized and rebadured by an injection by a veterinary member of the fire department, who will continue to take care of the animal's health until the next day. A final decision is made on his next destination.

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