The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The focus, the telegraph and other creations have made people more performant.

Who has never dreamed of registering an invention?
In the United States, the 10,000,000th patent has just been issued

It was awarded to Joseph Marron, optical engineer of the company. Raytheon, for the creation of a system to obtain information from gigantic laser radars, which has applications in defense, medicine, space exploration and autonomous automobiles.

The first patent in the history of the United States. It was delivered on July 31, 1790 to Samuel Hopkins, to improve the way to make potbadium carbonate. From then on, thousands of certificates were issued, until a fire destroyed a large part of the archives in 1936.

The manifestoes that were recovered were reissued .
Today the Office of Patents and Trademarks The United States (Uspto, for its acronym in English) not only include inventions or products marketed. A lot of the documents are about the protection of ideas, one of the reasons why this country issues so many certificates.

In BBC World, they selected some of the patented inventions in the United States. it has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. (PT)

Missile Launch System
° In 1965, Timothy Eddins received the 3,224,336 patent for a missile launch system. It has been used in the Saturn V rocket. It is part of several patents filed by NASA, in order to send astronauts to the moon. -Foto: pixabay

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