The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Maduro and Morales criticized the situation of justice and suggested the interference. There are diplomatic actions.


Following the order of the national judge Daniella Camacho, issuing a preventative order against the former president Rafael Correa, two presidents and a former president of ######################################################################################## 39 Latin America, all dedicated to socialism in the 21st century, have spoken to please, Correa, your friend. This led the Ecuadorian government to send formal protest notes, to suspend the trip of an ambbadador and even to ask for consultations with another.

The Venezuelan President questioned, Nicolás Maduro, whose government is not recognized by several countries for the irregularities of the last electoral process, expressed his solidarity with Correa and called at the end of an alleged " persecution against genuine rulers ".

Evo Morales, Bolivian President, did not stay behind and denounced an alleged interference from the United States. According to the president, there was an alleged "politicization of Ecuadorian justice", in what he considered an attempt to "imprison an innocent person".

In addition, Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil imprisoned for corruption, said that Correa is "a victim of the judiciarization of politics".

The Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned that there was an "international campaign to discredit the judiciary power of the Ecuadorian State", and Foreign Minister José Valencia summoned the diplomatic corps of the Bolivia and Venezuela to report that the case against Correa, at the National Court of Justice, is a crime of public criminal action.

years is the maximum sentence that Correa could face.
"We submitted formal protest notes, we called the Ecuadorian ambbadador to Bolivia for consultations and we suspended the trip of the new Ambbadador appointed to Venezuela," said a statement.

In addition, the Court stated that the judicial proceedings "are conducted in accordance with the Ecuadorian legal system and respect all constitutional and procedural guarantees, without any form of interference by third parties".

Bad weather for Correa
But the case also continues its march in the country. According to jurists, all legal scenarios for the former president, related in the case of illegal badociation and kidnapping of politician Fernando Balda are "unfavorable". The process of capture is ongoing, despite the fact that the defense insists that the judge 's decision is not firm because of a call, which should be between yesterday and today. hui.

The decision having been known by the parties at the hearing of the re-examination of the precautionary measures, the treatment of the red spread of the Interpol began, which can last about two weeks, according to the Balda's lawyer, Felipe Rodríguez.

days are missing for the tax instruction to end.
"From government to government, an order is made to the international police.It is quite formal and long enough," said criminal Xavier Andrade, who believes that in the country "will exhaust certain phases to meet to the extent of pretrial detention ".

On the other hand, there is tax instruction, which continues until the 18th of this month, during which time the Office of the Prosecutor continues to receive information.

For the criminal Beatriz Rodríguez, the current scenario of the former president is "the most favorable" because the crime that is the subject of the investigation is the one that inflicts the least trouble, between seven and nine years old. "Petrochina's question and Gabela's question are still outstanding, and here it will be very complicated because they are higher penalties," he said.

If the former president complies with the pre-trial detention, he will go to jail 4.
However, Correa's lawyer is optimistic. "I am confident that the administration of Justice will have a breath of fresh air and will declare nullity in the second instance. And I think that it will end with a dismissal at the stage of the pre-trial hearing," he said. he said.

The nearest step to Correa is the call, which according to his lawyer Caupolican Ochoa was going to be presented between yesterday and today.

The government, at a press conference, said that in the case of the former president, there is no political persecution or manipulation of justice because "It's a thing of the past." (AGO)


The theme of Petrochina and the theme Gabela are still pending and it will be complicated because they are heavier penalties. " Beatriz Rodríguez, Criminal

J & I have respected the institutions of sister countries, especially Venezuela and Bolivia, and I am asking the same for Ecuador. " Lenin Moreno, President of the Republic.

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