The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Óscar Villacís and Katty Velasco were kidnapped on April 11. They were stabbed about two months ago. This is indicated by the forensic expertise practiced in Pasto, Colombia. The bodies should arrive tomorrow at 09:30 in Quito. His relatives ask for truth and justice.

"We have nothing to do with this war, we just want to go back to our house and see our children." This clamor yesterday has become a new blow for the country because it has been confirmed that bodies found in the jungles of Tumaco, in southwestern Colombia, correspond to those of Óscar Villacís and Katty Velasco.

The young Ecuadorian couple was kidnapped The night of April 11 in Puerto Rico, a Colombian site facing Mataje. They left Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, where they lived, towards San Lorenzo, in Esmeraldas. At the time of the abduction, they had a month of sentimental relationship

Their remains were found in a pit near the place where, the third week of June, the bodies of photographer Paúl Rivas, the journalist Javier Ortega and the conductor Efraín Segarra, members of the newspaper El Comercio. After the location with the help of specialized dogs, the bodies were transferred to Pasto.

From this city – the capital of the Department of Nariño -, Carlos Valdés, director of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Colombia, announced the news. "The identity of the young Katty Velasco Pinargote and Oscar Villacís Gómez is fully confirmed with the support of the technical body of investigation, and the identity is confirmed by fingerprints."

The director of forensic medicine stated that the killing of Ecuadorians occurred about two months ago with "multiple wounds" caused by "sharp and sharp" weapons at the "neck and chest". The medico-legal studies – said Valdes – will be handed "exclusively" to the office of the Attorney General of Colombia. This information, at the same time, will be known by the Ecuadorian prosecutor Wilson Toainga, who takes the case in charge of promoting the process

Members of the El Comercio team family will be received today, at 10:00, at the Plenary Assembly. They will ask for truth and justice about the crime of journalists and Óscar and Katty.
The Ecuadorian government, meanwhile, has indicated by a statement that it is speeding up the process of repatriating the bodies of the young couple and has promised not to rest "find those responsible for these reprehensible acts." [19659003] Ecuadorian Foreign Minister José Valencia learned of the discovery of bodies in the Tumaco area on Tuesday morning after receiving a notification from his Colombian colleague María Ángela Holguín

In the afternoon of the same day day, Valencia and Rosana Alvarado, Minister of Justice, led a press conference in which they informed the country that there was a high probability that the remains found correspond to those of Oscar and Katty . 19659003] After this meeting, the trip of the official delegation began. Yesterday morning, however, the parents of the couple traveled. Before leaving Tababela, they were heard by Vice President María Alejandra Vicuña

The support networks were activated at the same time. Relatives of the El Comercio team and the sisters of Katty Velasco communicated to organize the reception in Ecuador. It is expected that the bodies will arrive at 9:30 in the morning at Tababela airport. A first possibility is that the bodies are veiled in Quito for three hours and then transferred to Santo Domingo

Until the closing of this edition, the relatives of Óscar and Katty had meetings with delegates of the Department of Justice to refine. repatriation actions and funeral honors.

Victims of Terrorism
The authorities attributed the murder of the Ecuadorian couple to Walter Arízala, aka "Guacho". The narco-terrorist, leader of the group Oliver Sinisterra, is also responsible for the deaths of the Marines Wílmer Alvarez, Luis Mosquera, Sergio Cedeño and Jairon Sandoval; In addition to the members of El Comercio: Paúl Rivas, Javier Ortega and Efraín Segarra

The Government decided not to renew the state of emergency in the cantons Eloy Alfaro and San Lorenzo of Esmeraldas.
The Colombian conflict and tension at the border, however, keep the country in tension because there is no news of the imbabureño Marcelo Muñoz, kidnapped by the ELN in 2013, and the Private Wilson Illaquiche, badigned to the Tobar Donoso detachment in the subtropical region of Carchi, whose trace has not been known since May 12. The Hora and EFE

Three months of anguish
° Oscar Villacís, 24, and Katty Velasco, 20, met last February through the intermediary of the government. a mutual friend. A few days later, they started a relationship and went on a tourist trip to the northern border. They leave children at the orphanage.

April 11 was the last time that they had contact with their loved ones. We did not hear about it until five days later. A video appeared in which Óscar, along with Katty, asked President Lenín Moreno to help them because they were kidnapped by insurgent groups led by alias "Guacho".

Since then, his relatives have initiated efforts to have research on the comings and goings of both have had profitable results. However, Sulay Villacís, Óscar's elder sister, said the government has received no help, nor information, because the news that the identity of his brother's body has been verified has was received from his mother, who traveled to Colombia on the last Monday after arriving in Quito looking for answers.

"It's the second time that he's traveling there." When he arrived in Quito, he was told that he should go to Colombia, so we badumed that maybe to be Oscar and Katty were already known to be dead, "he said.

Yesterday afternoon, the parents were all together, dismayed, still not believing the news that the two were lifeless. 70 days of uncertainty pbaded for these Santo Domingo families, who have never lost the hope that Oscar and Katty would come back safe and sound. However, the two young people, who leave minor children at the orphanage, arrived together until death, about two months ago.

Through social networks, and at the initiative of santodomingueños, clothing, shoes, food and all that citizens want to bring to help families Oscar and Katty are collected, both having older adults and Your children's position

In addition, in the absence of financial support and resources to travel to Colombia, the parents of the kidnapped couple organized a raffle about a month ago to collect funds. Now, they wait for the promises of official support to be fulfilled for the wake and burial of their loved ones. (ARR)

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