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He says that because he is "short and ugly", no woman accepts it. He did not do well on social networks

Recently, a Chinese man made headlines for his long-standing struggle to find a suitable wife. In the past eight years, he claims to have asked many women if they wanted to go out with him, but he was rejected about 80,000 times. Ouch!

The media named Niu Xiangfeng, 31, as a "fool", for his aggressive approach to finding a life partner. He appeared for the first time in 2013, when photos of him walking in the streets of Beijing, as well as links to their profiles on social networks, became viral via the internet. During his walks, he held a sign announcing his desire to find a wife.

His father died of cancer a few years earlier and he felt that he had to get married and start a family. Things did not go as he had hoped, and five years later, he is still looking for the ideal woman.

Currently, Niu no longer walks with signs, but he puts as much effort, if not more, into finding a woman. She continues to go out on websites, befriends women on social networks, and even approaches them in the street and asks them if they have a boyfriend. Even so, he is still rejected. Some say it's because he's trying too hard and that he's aggressive or desperate, but Niu has a different explanation.

Nothing comes out
The man says that women nowadays can be "cheeky" when it comes to choosing romantic partners. Most prefer tall, handsome men who can gently enter their hearts, but he is "short and ugly" and does not like to lie to impress. Money is also a big problem, since single women are looking for men with good wages who have their own house in the city. "They say that, as a man, you have to have a house," and he, unfortunately, does not have one.

The 31-year-old single recently appeared in a video, stating that he had been rejected some 80,000 times in the last 8 years. Regardless of Xiangfeng's lack of interest, this figure seems a bit suspicious, so several Chinese information sites have approached to confirm it's actually been deprived of tens of thousands of times.

In an interview Niu Xianfeng mentioned that even though he never explicitly said that he had been rejected 80,000 times, his estimate is not unrealistic at all.

Over the years, she sent messages online to women about 60,000 times, many of whom refused, while others simply did not answer and had to approach at least 20,000 or 30,000 ladies. the streets, so the 80,000 rejections sound good.

When asked if he was just attracting media attention, Xianfeng replied that he would need a reason to do it. People seeking celebrity have an interest, such as promoting a business or becoming an actor or some kind of celebrity. It is not such an interest. He does not sell anything and has neither the desire nor the talent to work as a facilitator.

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