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Editorial BAVENO (ITALY),

The European Union (EU) celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the Copernicus program on Wednesday. It is a constellation of key satellites to take the pulse of the blue planet, in areas such as air pollution, natural disasters, crop evolution or the behavior of the mbades. Water

"When my daughter asks me Copernicus, I say that it's the biggest" selfie "you can do," sums up the head of the European Commission (EC) department who manages this scientific program, Mauro Fachini, at the ceremony held in Baveno, a quiet place in northern Italy, where Copernicus was born

The program, which the EC and the European Space Agency (ESA) define as the most Ambitious history devoted to Earth observation, is the evolution of what was previously known as GMES. . It compiles data from about 30 satellites and has half a dozen specially developed for its mission, the Sentinel.

Send valuable data

These "eyes" that Europe has placed in space send to the Earth a huge amount of data collected in the form of images to broad spectrum and radar measurements.

mainly at the Joint Research Center of the European Community, an interdisciplinary scientific complex located on the shores of Lake Maggiore, in northern Italy, where more than 2,000 people work in different fields and projects [19659008]. Copernicus consists of measuring changes in the water mbades of the Earth's surface, that is, the evolution of lakes that contract and expand, as well as changes in the course of rivers.

. The "date and time" of the planet, whose data are freely available to the scientific community, are taken from models that allow experts to make projections about the behavior of our planet. The computing power needed to generate these models is so huge that, like water plans, if a single ordinary computer had been used to process the information, it would have taken Lighting up in the Charlemagne era, circa 808 dC

"And this only for the use of a model and only once!", Comments the head of the l & # 39; CE's scientific unit dedicated to Food Safety, Alain Bekward, who explains that Google has donated part of their equipment for this specific project.


The current budget of the European Commission for 2014-2020 devotes to Copernicus program 4,300 million euros ($ 4,982 million). And for the period 2021-2027, the community executive has proposed to raise the endowment to 6.720 million dollars, although the final figure still has to be negotiated with the Council and the European Parliament

"The new Copernicus missions , such as Monitoring CO2 emissions will enable the EU to become a technological leader in the fight against climate change, in line with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement, "says the European Commission in its long-term budget proposal 19659014] [ad_2]
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