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Father's last day
Last Sunday, during the Father's Day celebration, Medardo's sons were able to be with him, said his son Darío.

"Anecdotes there are thousands with dad, but the most important thing is that he was always with us, he always gave us advice and an immediate solution.He was a person so worldly that he always had a positive and happy response, he has never had any dislike for anyone, he was a kind and very dear person, "he explains [19659004] "He loved people too much, his audience and the whole Ecuador.In the end, who did not danced with Don Medardo? …", concludes Darío.

The beginnings of & dquo; A dream
The story of Ángel Medardo Luzuriaga, leader of Don Medardo and his players, begins in the late 50's, when he arrives from Loja to Quito to finish his studies of violin, He studied at the Conservatory of his hometown

At that time, Ángel Medardo was part of the National Symphony Orchestra and then worked as a music teacher eu, choir director and ballet musician.

In 1957, during a trip in which he traveled to Loja, Medardo listened to a group that played at a family party. Immediately, he was struck by the good rhythm and good sound of this group. "They sounded harmoniously and with a Cuban flavor," according to Medardo and seized by curiosity, he "snuck out" to the party and discovered that this small group of Lojano musicians called Los Players, composed brothers Lucho and Roberto Gordón, Edwin Cueva and 'Coquito & # 39; Valarezo.

Seeing the potential of this group, Don Medardo proposed to them to travel to Quito to form an orchestra led by him, because of the experience in the direction of the orchestra with which he already counted.

At November 11, 1967, the players arrived at Cumandá's terminal in Quito and Don Medardo was waiting for them with a contract to sign and start this musical adventure that put him in front of the orchestra for half a year. -century.

His first show was at a party in Latacunga, the band was renamed Don Medardo and his players.

In less than a year, the orchestra signed its first contract for the recording of the album "Volumen 1, Quito for Ecuador and" l & # 39; America. Until November 2017, the orchestra came to record the "Volume 105". (CC)

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