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The Origin
Nataly Charpentier talks about plants as real treasures for health and aesthetics. Studying them and extracting their properties through natural processes are their specialties. Through his research, he has entered a world where cosmetics are moving away from chemicals

The journey began almost three years ago when Charpentier, a graduate in biology, decided to study in depth the uses and benefits of plants. He tried rosemary and other components with which you can get vital extracts.

At that time, he transformed his home into a small laboratory in which pure science was developed. Each product is called a formula because it is: a combination of ingredients measured exactly.

You can contact the entrepreneur via the Nuraura Lupinus Facebook page, at number 099 591 38 15 or by email [email protected]
Each small bottle has a different color and on the label the components. Coconut oil, good grbad, alum stone, ishpingo, are a few of them. The entrepreneur explains the properties of each ingredient with care. There are antibacterials, astringents, regenerators …

But there is one that is not and that is extremely important in this story.

Due to the shape of its leaves and the origin of its name, lupine, better known as chocho, is one of the biologist's favorites. Known his scientific name and the Latin and Greek roots of his origin as he spent long hours studying it, as well as other herbs that were used to create his formulas.

speaks specifically because it is what gave his name to his company: Nuraura Lupinus. The word lupine comes from the root lupus meaning wolf. Both meanings of the term led him to decide that his brand had to convey that plants can be combined with the animal part of people and thus generate health.

Although he does not criticize the procedures of industrial cosmetics, the creator of the brand claims that industrialization uses more chemicals that can be harmful to people. As a result, the benefits of natural processes are numerous.

In his studies, he was able to determine that, in some cases, the formulas cause undesirable effects. In addition, there are not many people who have plant allergies.

"When we apply something that has a natural origin to our skin, it is most likely to benefit it and if it has no benefit, it will not cause harm either," says he

. Rosemary has proven to many people that she can cure an illness that a dermatologist had treated with unsuccessful medication. (PCV)

Entrepreneurial Pbadion
° Nuraura Lupinus has been on the market for three years. Here are the lessons and tips shared by its creator:

Lessons Learned
° If you already have an established formula for your products, do not change the ingredients suddenly because you may have a bad result.
° Well investigate where you leave your products for sale. Make sure that there are serious sites and that payment is made on time.

Entrepreneurial Tips
° Use natural ingredients in your products
° Make sure the processes you run are environmentally friendly.
° Encourage your customers to recycle containers.


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