The IACHR Commission supports Moreno's claims by relatives of journalists – La República CE


ARCHIVER | QUITO-ECUADOR (05/04/2018). The International Relations Committee of the National Assembly receives the relatives of the Diario El Comercio journalists murdered after their abduction in the Northern Border. PHOTO API / CRISTINA VEGA. # NosFaltan3

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) today supported the complaint of relatives of a team of journalists kidnapped at the Colombian border and then murdered, so that the Ecuadorian State clarifies the facts and responsibilities of the case

"It is still the responsibility of the state to investigate and follow up on these cases," said Edison Lanza, Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR, during a press appearance in Quito

. , member of the IACHR's Special Monitoring Team (ESW), is this week in Ecuador to investigate the relatives' demands and verify that the Ecuadorian State is keeping its promise of 39, investigate the case. The journalistic team composed of a director and a photographer and a director was removed from the Colombian forum at the end of March and in April they were led by the Front OlererSinisterreferred by the FARCaliasississident "Guacho."

Families handed over to the IACHR the survey material that the Ecuadorian government had given them, and when they saw it they said it was about 39; a "mockery" that did not contain substantial information.

Lanza insisted that they support the statement of relatives that the facts should be examined until the end, and pointed out that, if they do not comply with the actions of l & # 39; State.

He indicated having reviewed the contents of the documentation, but that until now, they could not make any decision because it is "1,400 pages" .

"We did not read the page but there were indexes, which allowed us to see that they contained these envelopes", explained .

He added that "obviously" they support "the claim of families in need of having He gives complete information."

They also excluded a possible "bad faith" on the part of the state and recognized that the situation is "complex" because many agencies must make their contribution to the investigation.

The press conference was held in a hotel in downtown Quito, where family and friends of the team of journalists gathered at a door to claim justice.

"We are indignant, for the truth." "They murdered our parents, which is why we did not get tired" It was read on some placards.

Others asked about the investigation as "why did Minister Jarrin (Defense) say that the abduction was in Mataje?" Or "why the old Navas minister he said that it was at 15:00 when there were witnesses that it was morning? "

Open questions to which the government of Lenin Moreno n. has not offered any answers, and now his relatives are asking the IACHR to investigate.

For his part, the expert of the IACHR precautionary team, Luz Adriana Camargo, said that his team is "very committed". preliminary "and that once the information is collected, a" complete badysis "is still necessary.

And he considered it" logical "that the information be" distributed "between different ministries and agencies but that the important thing is "to have access to it." [196590] 03] "We have the commitment of the authorities that we will give full access" he said

The team will leave the country tomorrow, but plans to return to Ecuador in 30

Before the press conference, the government of Ecuador had already taken knowledge of the criticisms made by relatives and, in a statement, informed the National Secretariat of Communication that President Moreno "ordered that no effort be spared, and that no institution and no public body can not conceal information about the murder of the team j

The National Secretary of Communication, Andrés Michelena, He had to accompany Moreno during his visit to Spain, he stressed in the statement that "these events did not was the responsibility of the Ecuadorian government, but forces that are fought, in reference to narco-cancer ". EFE

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