The IACHR denounces the intensity of the repression in Nicaragua and confirms 264 deaths


-FOTODELDIA- NI4023. MANAGUA (NICARAGUA), 31/05/2018. Several young people guard a trench during the 44th day of demonstrations against the government of Daniel Ortega today, Thursday, May 31, 2018, near the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, in Managua (Nicaragua). The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, has seen the most critical point in his government since he came to power eleven years ago with waves of blood on the streets, although the executive branch denies any responsibility for these acts of violence. EFE / Jorge Torres

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) denounced today the intensity of the crackdown on protesters by the authorities of Nicaragua and confirmed that 264 people died since the beginning of the demonstrations in April, something that the Nicaraguan government rejected.

In his latest update on the human rights situation in Nicaragua the Executive Secretary of the IACHR the Brazilian Paulo Abrao, criticized "the deepening of the forms of repression against protesters "by local authorities, a conclusion that the executive of President Daniel Ortega discredited.

Abrao corroborated that since the beginning of the protests from April to date 264 people have lost their lives and more than 1,800 have been injured.

In addition, he criticized the fact that those arrested by the authorities Nicaraguans were victims of "violence, ill-treatment and even torture before being transferred to the headquarters of the national police".

Faced with these accusations, the Chancellor of Nicaragua, Denis Moncada Colindres, accused CIDH of not being objective in the elaboration of the badysis, minutes after Abrao's presentation at a meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), headquartered in Washington.

" It is a hasty report and lacks objectivity.It takes time, impartiality and a professional attitude to inform the truth of what is really happening in Nicaragua "said Mr. Moncada

. Ortega discredited the work of the Commission in Nicaragua where the IACHR is permanently present through the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni), which He arrived in the country of Central America the last week of June.

In fact, in mid-June, Moncada described as "partial" and "subjective" the report that the IACHR presented at the time on the violence recorded in 1945. of April

In his speech today, the representative of Nicaragua wanted to "reaffirm the sustained commitment" of his Executive with respect for and the protection of the human rights of the United States. citizens. [19659004] Despite his insistence on the lack of authenticity of the badysis of the body led by Abrao, only Venezuela from the 35 countries that make up the OAS followed this speech

In this sense, the secretary of the Venezuelan mission, Sara Lambertini, has in turn affirmed, Nicaragua undergoes "a terrorist wave" whose sole objective is to materialize a "coup d'etat" against a government , Ortega, "legitimate, democratic and constitutional". Nicaragua, highly organized and foreign-funded violent minorities mobilized by an ideology of hate have acted cruel and barbaric, kidnapping hundreds of innocent people and setting fire to many properties, "said Lambertini

The OAS General, Luis Almagro, described as "inadmissible" the paramilitary attack against the Nicaraguan population, who said that "it took the lives of many people. "

Almagro felt that violence as a political tool" inexorably loses all legitimacy to any ethical and political purpose. "

Other nations, such as the United States, Mexico and Colombia condemned the repression by the authorities against Nicaraguan society, and regretted "the lack of progress" in the dialogue to improve the situation.

These countries also censored the physical attacks suffered by Nicaragua. r the bishops of the Basilica of San Sebastian, in the Nicaraguan town of Diriamba.

After these attacks, the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference, mediator and witness of the national dialogue, suspended this week the working groups created to overcome the crisis that began 84 days ago.

Nicaragua ] goes through the most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, with Ortega also as president.

Protests against the executive began n April 18 for failed social security reforms and became a demand for the resignation of the president, after eleven years in power, with charges of abuse and of corruption against him. [EFE]

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