The Impoverishment of Nicaragua – La República CE


Carlos Alberto Montaner
Miami, United States

At the beginning of the Nicaraguan butchery, Daniel Ortega spoke with a senior official of the US federal government. It seemed like he wanted to advance the elections, put the power back and get out. He only asked that he and his family not be persecuted. Then he changed his mind, or maybe he never seriously thought about it and his only goal was to save time. The third possibility is that the gringo, despite his excellent command of Spanish, would have made a mistake. I do not think so.

At this point, it does not matter. The only certainty that can be obtained from Daniel Ortega is that he murdered his opponents without limits and that he then denies them . He did it on the Fox Network during a wonderful interview that he gave to Bret Baier, described by journalist Pedro Joaquín Chamorro in the newspaper La Prensa as a total exercise of cynicism. Ortega had no contact with the paramilitaries. Relations with the Catholic Church were good. Nobody had died inside the temples. The rebellion was already under control. Pure Lies

Ortega does not usually give interviews, but the only way to get to Donald Trump was by Fox If the mean is the message, as the said Canadian Marshall McLuhan, the elected he left no room for doubt. The implicit message was "I am no worse than Putin or Kim Jong-un.I am guarantee that Nicaraguans will not become a migration problem for the United States." I was democratically elected and I'm exhausting my mandate, yet we can agree ". Mike Pence, Vice President of Trump, immediately responded. For Washington, he was still a murderer.

Nothing that Ortega said was true. Nicaraguans return to exile. They escape the cruelty of the government and the hunger that is envisioned. The economist Juan Sebastián Chamorro, president of FUNIDES, the country's big think-tank, explained it to me with dismay. Tourism has already disappeared. Entrepreneurs are desperate. There is no domestic or foreign investment. The flight of capital is in progress. The reserves are diminishing, but they will eventually disappear. An inflation-devaluation awaits Cordoba like that of the eighties. The Nicaraguan bankers, perhaps the most competent in Central America, know that they will inexorably be swept away by a crisis that could be avoided.

How could we avoid it? Give a political answer to a political problem. Just over 100 days ago, before the crisis, Nicaragua grew by 4.5% a year. There was confidence in the future of the country and we already know that the economy depends on perceptions and, to a large extent, on the stability and predictability of society.

If a small country like Switzerland Half the size of Nicaragua, perhaps the most prosperous and well organized nation on the planet, is the result of its rational stability. Exactly the opposite of what is happening today in Nicaragua.

The most serious is that the advice that comes to him Daniel Ortega comes from Cuba and Venezuela. The two governors, Miguel Díaz-Canel (the president appointed by Raúl Castro) and Nicolás Maduro at the recent Sao Paulo Forum held in Havana gave him the formula to stay in the power: to resist, to kill without contemplation for which they can count on the help of both, because the international circumstances change with the time. The OAS, which today condemns it, will open its doors in ten years

It may be true, but what does not change, if not worse, is the same. Picture of the country as a destination for investment and trade. . These murderous dictatorships, based on repression, can last as long as their respective tyrants are ready to defend them but what they will never do, is bring prosperity and happiness to their people. This is possible only with democratic institutions, alternation in power, the circulation of government elites, transparency, social mobility, the rule of law and the rest of the attributes of civilized nations and mature.

What will Daniel Ortega do? ? Will he choose to continue killing, which is synonymous with continuing to impoverish Nicaraguans? Until when? Until his death, until a military coup or another revolution triumphs? The only thing that matters to him is to stay in power at all costs to show Cuba and Venezuela that he is still a tough guy like the one Fidel Castro applauded? Poor Nicaragua He will continue to sink into misery until he wakes up again.

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