The journalist Arlen Cerda on the 100 days of protest in Nicragua

[ad_1] press reporter Arlen Cerda spoke with NTN24 about 100 days of protest against Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, and said that "Ortega is politically isolated at the national level with much people who said That is enough for his form of government and also for the international community with all the condemnations we have seen, from the OAS, from the EU, from the US. , Some countries of South America and very little in Central America. "

According to the reporter," Nicaragua has turned into a civic rebellion that has surprised the government and society (… ) and now we see a society going out "

" What we saw in these last days of protest is not the product of failed INSS reforms, which were canceled, it's the product of Years of human rights violations, seat freedom of the press and the freedoms that this government restricts for people who do not sympathize with them, "said Cerda,

" As a Nicaraguan, I think that despite As it is difficult or slow, dialogue is the way to to do things because that is the peaceful way to do it, it is the way to guarantee that the country will not be chained in more violence and more death. "

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