The King of Spain will receive Moreno on the 26th in Madrid – La República CE


Quito (Pichincha), April 10, 2018.- The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, had a dialogue with representatives of the unions and workers at the Government Palace. Photo: Carlos Silva / Presidency of the Republic

The King of Spain, Felipe VI, will receive the President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno the next day 26, during the visit will make Madrid , which will also meet with the head of the Spanish government, the Socialist Pedro Sanchez.

The meeting between Felipe VI and Moreno will take place in Palace of Zarzuela headquarters of the head of the Spanish state, as during the last trip that the Ecuadorian president made in Spain on December 18 2017, reported today the sources of the Casa del Rey.

On this occasion, the King and Queen of Spain offered a Moreno lunch and his wife, Rocío González, to the Palacio Real

during his second stay in Spain since he's taken his duties as president of Ecuador replacing Rafael Correa in May 2017, Moreno will have an intense agenda of events. [1 9659003] His arrival is scheduled for Wednesday, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, José Valencia and the private Secretary of the Presidency, Juan Sebastián Roldán.

During his stay in Spain, Moreno will meet at the Palacio de la Moncloa, the headquarters of the Spanish Executive, with Pedro Sánchez to review the main issues of interest in the relations between their respective countries .

As he did in December, he will again ask the Spanish government to urge the European Union to eliminate the need for the Schengen visa for Ecuadorian citizens for short stays duration

Moreno, who will arrive in in Spain from the United Kingdom, will extend his program of events until Friday 27, although the details of his agenda are not yet finalized

The visit of the President of Ecuador coincides with that of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, who will be in Madrid on Thursday 26th and will also meet Pedro Sánchez and Felipe VI. EFE

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