The Liga of Quito beats Emelec 2-1 – La República EC



Guayaquil (Ecuador) (EFE) .- Barcelona and Deportivo Cuenca were the leaders of the Ecuadorian football championship today, with six points each, while Liga de Quito winner of the first stage, defeated by 2-1 at Emelec champion of 2017.

Barcelona overcame imbalances in their midfield shown in much of the meeting and won by 1-2 at the University Technician.

The Argentine Juan Ignacio Dinenno was reunited with the goal after four dates and extended to 11 annotations his contribution as top scorer of the table Guayaquil .

The Ecuadorian Michael Arroyo scored the second and Fernando Mora marked the reduction.

Deportivo Cuenca accumulated the fourth victory under the leadership of the former Venezuelan election Richard Páez winning 2-1 at Universidad Católica and extended to five unbeaten games , since in the penultimate date of the first stage gave a 1-1 draw just before the Catholic team.

[19459008EdisonPreciado and Jacson Pita scored the goals of the Cuenca team, while the tournament's top scorer with 25 annotations, John Jairo Cifuente marked the reduction.

in the match between the Liga of Quito and Emelec, the latter went on the board with Joao Rojas who celebrated the goal by removing his shirt, for which the referee awarded him one yellow card and after another foul was sent in the 62nd minute by a double reprimand

Liga reacted and with another man tied through Jonathan Borja . At the last minute Juan Luis Anangonó scored the local winner

El Delfin had a brilliant reaction commanded by the Paraguayan defender Williams Riveros who scored two goals and another from the Equator Luis Congo tied 3-3 in his visit to El Nacional which until the end of the first half won by 3-0.

Luis Segovia with violent shooting of about 30 meters marked the first of the places, increased Jorge Ordóñez and the last of El Nacional was Adolfo Muñoz .

For his part, ] Guayaquil City who won in the 89th minute with a goalkeeper goal, Uruguayan Damián Frascarelli with a penalty kick, gave a 1-1 draw at Macará which matched through Jonathan Lucas .

The second date of the second stage will end on Monday with the match between Independiente del Valle and Aucas . EFE

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