Imagine arriving at a restaurant and seeing the menu. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? "I will eat what I want" but what would you do if they surprised you and did not let you choose? The menu you are given does not give you the freedom to ask what you want, but it lists the steps Ask it … Something similar happens when you measure success (depending on how they see it).
We are in a society where you dictate the order of the way to live an education . You must first go to school, then to college, then master to succeed. Let me tell you that the most triumphant people have reached the top without following these socially imposed patterns. Freedom must be dictated by one, not by the mbades …
A yes I say no to a charge that defines you, I say no to a wall in a domain. We must be clear about what we are good at, but not limit ourselves to that. For example: if I'm good at marketing, I'm not just looking at the problems related to that, but I'm asking to explore other areas that complement each other. And why do I say that? I say this because we are in the era of lifelong learning, in which we must never stop learning. Some time ago, the learned philosopher Socrates (19459006) said: "I only know that nothing is". The more we train, the more we realize we need to learn. People who think they know everything are destined to disappear. I say this because the key to knowledge is to recognize that there is still a long way to go and, of course, to know how to listen
So, let's build a group of learners for life. Growing up as a society and as a country creating mbades of hungry people to know and overcome. At work sharing something new that you have learned (motivates collective intelligence), at home encourages the habit of reading, with your friends motivating them to be better every day. Because at the end of the day there is nothing more beautiful than to conquer and grow in the infinite. To dream is free, but the countries become powers thanks to the economic development that is led by those who know …
I think you must ask yourself what is the continuous learning ?
internet " Lifelong learning is the pursuit of knowledge, continuous, voluntary and motivated (for personal or professional reasons). Therefore, it not only improves social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also self-sufficiency, as well as competitiveness and employability. "
Sabina Carrión
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