The Ministry of Defense is looking for ways to combat piracy


ARCHIVER | QUITO-ECUADOR (05/02/2018). Statements of the new Minister of Defense, Oswaldo Jarrín. PHOTO API / CRISTINA VEGA.

Quito (EFE) .- The Ministry of Defense of Ecuador announced today that it is studying to improve the operational capability of the Navy , to strengthen maritime surveillance and the fight against illegal activities such as piracy smuggling and illegal migration among others.

This was declared by the Minister of Defense, Oswaldo Jarrin during a post tour of the Naval Force in the Archipelago of ] Jambelí in the coastal province of El Oro border with ] [Pérou] said the state wallet in a statement.

Jarrin said that the Navy has the full capacity to fulfill its maritime safety mission, but did not ignore that materials, especially boats and engines, life, so he said that He works to help with more resources the Naval Force.

"We achieve protection of human life at sea. This means preventing criminal actions that may be committed, especially in the Jambelí Archipelago, in the daily fishing, in the sea. commercial activity, in the activity conducted by the different communities for their support, their progress, the welfare of "He described the work of the Navy as very important and added that it is therefore important that this force has all the resources, as well as the capacity and the preparation, it requires the necessary equipment to support it.

For Jarrin, there must be an integration between the state institutions and the companies private, especially those engaged in fishing and shrimp activities, to strengthen security policies.Eco Oro Coastal Area, the Ecuador Navy established a dozen "secure routes And two detachments in the Ja mbelí archipelago, to ensure the safety of those engaged in fishing and shrimp fishing, the ministry said. EFE (I)


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