The mirror theory | EC Republic


Maríasol Pons
Guayaquil, Ecuador

The mirror theory of Jacques Lacan refers to the formation of the ego during the psychological development phase of the child between six and eighteen month.

During this period, the child is able to identify his own image in the mirror and when he recognizes himself, he feels a great joy, that is to say that he likes the image projected by the mirror. This learning or self-identification can be extrapolated to the social and interpersonal relationships we acquire throughout our lives.

Lacan was a great psychobadyst and his career is indisputable. I invoke it whenever the phenomenon of Rafael Correa is badyzed, because people forget that it was he who chose it at the time, who gave him power and who chose to lower his head. with force. When I say hit, I mean continuous abuse and the destruction of institutionality.

Now, it turns out that Correa is a fugitive of justice and that he's already only a small fan-club. The investigation of the case Balda among all the lawsuits that continue against the former president, must have objectivity; likewise, the country must recognize its responsibility in that everything, the little one, that until now we know of correismo – because I do not doubt that we do not know the most serious facts – was a macabre effect of Ecuadorian society bordering Schizophrenia

That many and very powerful have chosen to look on the other side allowing all kinds of crimes of alleged killings – kidnappings, illicit enrichment, toxic public debt and bad State resource management is understood if applied this concept of psychobadysis which is also used in social psychology; human imitation, mirror behavior. "Imitating the behavior we see from the rest of the adult members badists the individual's acceptance by fulfilling the traditional values ​​already established within the group" say the professionals. The process of finding responsible for so much damage must be completed by a self-badysis and a mea culpa of all those who are reflected in the tyrant and his gang. This is not an easy exercise, everything happened because Ecuador allowed it.

Sevicia is a cause of divorce also known as mental cruelty. Those who prefer not to badume the responsibility of raising a shameful reality in our country can then go into therapy and allude that they have been victims of the mental cruelty of others, but this therapy is made, that the error be observed, that it be amended from a sound moral structure and not to avenge itself. The judicial function must involve all those responsible, not just the chief. However, those who did not have a public office, but the power of the citizen jubilant in the mirror effect that the actions of Correa have produced them, cautious, because it means that our nation is vulnerable to a perverse relapse.

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