The news of Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The government will send to the National Assembly, as soon as possible, the project of a new tax reform. Over the past two decades, we have seen several, if not an emerging one, because of the devastating earthquake in Manabí and Esmeraldas. On this occasion, VAT went from 12 to 14%; the market has badimilated the rise, but with the last elections, it has returned to the previous percentage.

"We can not send in August because the Assembly goes on vacation, but the first days of September will send the project," said the Minister of Economy. The goal, apparently and commented, is to increase tax revenues. The management, facilitation and simplification of processes are the concepts mentioned during the project discussion.

"Dress me slowly, because I'm in a hurry," says the proverb. This is what comes to my mind when, presumably, the new proposal aims to further increase tax revenues. A sentence from the minister is scary: "We have a matrix with 100 alternatives, but nothing can be taken for granted." Lapidary is what kind of statements in the mouth of an official at this level.

In economics, we are progressing gradually, sometimes slowly. Around this way of acting, so much polemics were generated, as in Byzantium the bad of the angels. Therefore, haste and secrecy with the new reform project, without specifying what they are, how they will be applied and without clearly explaining why, tend to make everyone nervous. To avoid greater evils, we must speak clearly and soon.

Statistics is a science that shows that if my neighbor has two cars and I do not have one, we have one. " George Bernard Shaw Irish writer (1856-1950)

Statistics is the first of the inaccurate sciences. Edmond Gouncourt Naturist French novelist (1822-1896)

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