The Peruvian Congress approved the dismissal of NJC members


The Peruvian Congress unanimously approved Friday the dismissal of all members of the National Council of the Judiciary (CNM) involved in a corruption scandal involving the judicial branch after the publication of the telephone audios.

In a special plenary session of the Parliament, convened by the Peruvian President, Martín Vizcarra, the withdrawal of Councilors Hébert Marcelo Cubas, Baltazar Morales, Maritza Aragon, Orlando Velasquez, Iván Noguera, Guido Águila and Julio Gutiérrez Pebe received the vote of the 119 deputies present, according to the press agency Efe.

According to the debate in plenary, the dismissal is due to the fact that it corresponds to a serious cause, as stated in Article 157 of the Constitution.

President Vizcarra celebrated the Congress decision and declared that "now we must continue to work to restore the trust of all Peruvians in their institutions."

The scan corruption was made public last week, with the broadcast of a series of phone tapping revealing a broad network of traffic of influence, corruption and prevarication at the highest level. level of the judiciary, composed of senior magistrates, businessmen and politicians

Writing of NTN24

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