The Pope will participate in the López Obrador Peace Forums – La República CE

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Mexico (EFE) .- The Pope Francis will participate videoconference in forums to achieve peace and define a possible law of amnesty organized by the next president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador affirmed today the National Movement of regeneration (Morena)

The coordinator of the process of pacification of the next government, Loretta Ortiz informed that the pope will participate in forums to pacify the country that the future president of August 7 at October 24, according to local media.

the presence of the Catholic hierarchy will be virtual by videoconference.

"It will be virtual (via Skype) because of course it will not come in. We have to wait in time for its agenda, but it has already agreed" he said.

He also explained that two Vatican experts on the subject will go to Mexico to attend these meetings. 19659003] At a press conference, Lopez Obrador reiterated Saturday the invitation to Pope Francis and declared that there was a "Vatican interest" to make the visit, but then claimed do not have "solid information" on the subject. He explained that these forums will try to invite international organizations, human rights defenders and religious leaders.

In these meetings, which have among their main objectives an amnesty law, will participate federal, state and municipal officials, security forces.

In addition, he did not exclude the participation of criminals.

"At the end of these Onsultas and forums, with all the proposals that will be made freely, the public security plan for the reconciliation of the country will be elaborated" he concluded. EFE (I)

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