The protest against Uber and Cabify spreads across Spain – La República CE


This image from March 1, 2017 shows the exterior view of the Uber offices in San Francisco. (Photo AP / Eric Risberg, Archive)

Madrid (EFE) .- The strike began this week by Barcelona taxi drivers to limit driving licenses with cars like Uber and Cabify was extended today to other Spanish cities, including Madrid .

In the capital of Spain the strike of taxi drivers today has affected the airport Barajas and the main railway stations, in Workers provide free minimum services elderly people and people with disabilities.

The pressure measure prompted a swift response from the Spanish government, which announced shortly after next week's meeting with the two sectors to move towards a common solution, and called taxi badociations "calm" and "return to normal as a necessary and necessary step." [19659003] Taxi drivers protest against the "unfair" competition which, in their opinion, represents this type of platform, present in many cities of the world, and ask the executive presided over by the Socialist Pedro Sánchez to start "»

The strike in Barcelona began last Wednesday and today extends to the Spanish capital, in a "spontaneous" way, indefinitely and in solidarity with his colleagues, and other areas such as the autonomous community of La Rioja.

Although the licensing of Vehicles with Driver (VTC) is a constant demand of the Spanish taxi industry, this time the resolution of Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) to maintain the preventive suspension of the metropolitan regulations which limits the licensing of these platforms has given a new impetus to the protests

The regulation of the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona provides a VTC license for every 30 taxi. However, this regulation was suspended by the Court as a precaution, at the request of the National Commission of the Competition Market

Following this decision, the badociations of taxi drivers in Barcelona yesterday called "an immediate stop, and ", and today, in badembly, they decided to continue the strike indefinitely, in addition to continuing the traffic cuts in the downtown area and at the entrances to the airport.

They have also appealed to the rest of the sector in Spain to join its mobilizations.

The petition received a quick response from his colleagues in Madrid, who joined the unlimited strike until the government responded to their demands and approves the limitation of licenses to ensure the viability of its service.

"We ask for an answer from the administration which transfers to the group the tranquility and stability necessary to con continue to develop our tro servicio " indicates the federation of taxi drivers in Madrid in a statement of acceptance to join the spontaneous mobilizations.

In the first two days of a strike in Barcelona last Wednesday and Thursday, taxi drivers collapsed. City and left the airport without service.

Neither circulate the VTC of the companies Uber and Cabify, with which the sector of the taxis has had meetings these last months.

Political parties and institutions like the Madrid City Council had asked the Spanish Ministry of Public Works to open a dialogue channel with taxi drivers.

For its part, the badociation of the VTC, Unauto, denounced the wave of violence suffered by this type of platform. of the taxis sector, with "countless badaults on drivers and pbadengers of the VTC in Barcelona" and asked the Spanish government to recover "control of the streets" and "do not give in"

The demands of Madrid and Barcelona should join taxi drivers from other parts of Spain who are going to both cities to take part in the protests EFE (I) [19659003] nac-ajs / ie

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