The relatives of a couple murdered by Guacho participate in a peace campaign – La República CE


QUITO-ECUADOR 06/07/2018 The remains of Katty who was badbadinated on the northern border by dissident groups are in the Necropoli Memorial PHOTO API / JUAN DIEGO MONTENEGRO

Parents of the Ecuadorian couple abducted in April after settling in the coastal province of Esmeraldas border with Colombia, and executed in captivity, participated today, in Quito , at a sit-in for peace and justice

Geovanna Velasco Katty's sister, who, according to the Ecuadorian and Colombian authorities, was murdered by FARC dissidents with Oscar Villacís, led the sit -in front of the House of the Government, in the historic center

The sister told Efe that among the one hundred and fifty demonstrators were also present relatives of the journalistic team of the newspaper Quito El Comercio kidnapped in March when she is went to work in Esmeraldas and was killed in captivity. more than we have submitted in writing (a request for meeting with government authorities) does not even accompany us, or anything " said Evan Geovanna Velasco.

He explained that n They must meet with the authorities to know the abduction and murder of their relatives, from the province of Santo Domingo de los Táschilas, where they were buried on July 8, after the repatriation of their bodies from Colombia 19659003] " We want to know the truth, we want them to give us the documentation to see what they did " to get the couple released, said the sister of the murdered woman, baduring that & # 39; 39, they will continue to fight until they lend them

The bodies of Velasco and Villacís were found in the jungle of the municipality of Tumaco (Department of Nariño), l & # 39; one of the most convulsive e Colombia due to the presence of various illegal armed groups and the proliferation of coca crops.

The director of forensic medicine of Colombia, Carlos Valdés, declared that the autopsies revealed that the murder of the Ecuadorians occurred approximately imadamente two months ago by "multiple wounds" caused by " sharp and sharp weapons "in the neck and chest.

Authorities attributed the abduction and murder of the couple to the FARC dissident Walter Patricio Arizala Vernaza, aka "Guacho" also responsible – in agreement with the governments of Ecuador and Colombia – the kidnapping and murder of journalist Javier Ortega, photographer Paúl Rivas and driver Efraín Segarra, of the newspaper "El Comercio", whose remains were repatriated at the end of last month.

According to a tax instruction concluded last week in Ecuador FARC dissent is also attributed to the ambush in the Mataje region, on the border with Colombia, which caused the death of four Ecuadorian soldiers, as well as the explosion of a car bomb in the main barracks of San Lorenzo, also in Esmeraldas, which caused considerable material damage. EFE

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