The Russian doctor admits the use of ammonia but denies that it is spiked


Source: MARCA

Russian national team doctor Eduard Bezuglov denied today that Russian football players have doped during the World Cup before the eighth of final against Spain and the quarterfinals against Croatia.

"It's a simple ammonia with which pieces of cotton are impregnated and then inhaled.Thousands of athletes do it to encourage it.The doctor added that ammonia" "It's not just used in sports, but in people's daily lives when someone loses consciousness or feels weak."

"Simply because of the strong smell that it gives off . You can go to any pharmacy, buy cotton and ammonia. It has nothing to do with doping. "

The German press, especially the" Süddeutsche Zeitung ", reports that representatives of the Russian team confirmed that the players of the host team were breathing ammonia to feel better during the Mundial matches

This is what happened before the match against the Spaniards, who were surprisingly eliminated by the Russians during the penalty shoot-out after finishing the match by a 1-1 draw

before the local football players jumped into the field against the Croats, it was observed how many of them rubbed their noses, which led the newspaper to denounce the Habitual use of ammonia in the combined host

which would improve blood circulation and lung capacity, is not a substance defined as prohibited by the FIFA Anti-Doping Regulations .

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