The scandal threatening the presidency of Macron – La República CE


The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, May 7, 2017, after winning the second round. EFE / EPA / LIONEL BONAVENTURE

Paris (EFE) .- The French president, Emmanuel Macron remains silent before "the Benalla affair" revelations about his guardian body of confidence, a silence that feeds criticism of the opposition, which is already talking about a "state scandal", while the judicial inquiry of the case ahead.

According to El Universal, a security chief of the presidency called Alexander Benalla attacked protesters during demonstrations on May 1. Benalla was dressed as a police officer and received no criminal sanction for her actions until the newspaper "Le Monde" made public a video of what had happened. Currently, the bodyguard is in custody

After getting used to the French to face every tricky situation, Macron is held for the moment at the 39, deviation from a scandal that affects it. direct form, to be carried out by a man bound to his person even before having reached the Elysee.

But Macron is silent while the members of his government are those who, a little lost, limit themselves to gain time to know the results of investigations opened in the executive, legislative and judicial spheres.

The first entrusted to the "home affairs" section of the police; the second in the form of a parliamentary commission which will begin its duties next Monday, and the third by a preliminary inquiry opened by the Paris prosecutor's office.

The latter is the most advanced and keeps five people under arrest, among Alexandre Benalla and that of Vincent Crase policeman responsible for the security of the Macron party, punctually hired by the Elysee and accompanying the first on May 1st. [19659005] According to the "France Info" channel, neither has protected his right to silence and answers questions from the investigators.

They were joined today by three other police officers who delivered to Benalla the recordings of Paris security cameras on the square where the bodyguard was at the demonstration, with which he would have liked to soften his behavior.

In addition, they took records at Benalla's house in Issy-les-Moulineaux, outside Paris, the same place where the president's confidant was planning to get married today.

A project that should be delayed because the researchers decided to extend his arrest in search of clues that clarify the many shadows that persist on the case.

For the moment, the revelations do not stop to throw on the ground the shy attempts of defense sketched out from the Elysee.

they had suspended for two weeks, at the end of which they had withdrawn their duties with the president, a version denigrated by images in which in recent weeks he was seen with Macron at the time of writing. public events.

response to the fact that, despite knowing the facts that are now labeled as "intolerable" in early May, they decided not to bring them to justice.

Lillian thought to drown the crisis with this sanction, but now, after "The World" revealed it to the public last Wednesday, seems to seize it.

His only gesture was to announce the rejection of the bodyguard after learning that he had been trying to grab CCTV footage of the city of Paris, inadequate in the face of criticism .

According to "The World", members of Macron's party, La Republica en Marcha, recognize private who are overwhelmed by the dimension of the crisis and surprised by the lack of action of the presidency.

The opposition has received as a gift the appearance of this scandal that offers an angle of attack to the mordry that, until now, It seems untouchable

The political groups have chose to stop parliamentary work to give priority to the parliamentary commission, which has become a battleground against parliamentarism. Macron

For the moment, they have obtained that the Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb will appear next Monday in a session open to the media, but the disagreement is total on the rest of the

The first swords of the parties were manifested to denounce a "scandal of the State" that the leader of left Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not hesitate to compare in "The World "with the" Watergate "which was brought before the President of the United States Richard Nixon in the mid-70s. EFE (I)

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