The sun had a very hectic start, as confirmed by the hibonite crystals – La República EC


The beginnings of the Sun's life are a mystery, but now scientists have obtained some confirmations of their hypotheses when badyzing small hibonite crystals, which point to the fact that the l & # 39; Sun's childhood was "very agitated" according to a study published today by Nature Astronomy.

The Sun was formed about 4,600 million years ago, about 50 million years before Earth, making it difficult to find objects containing materials as early as first stages.

However, a team of experts badyzed ancient blue crystals trapped in meteorites that reveal what the star looked like, which apparently had "very agitated beginnings".

Although there is nothing the solar system being old enough to confirm what the Sun looked like, experts from the University of Chicago (USA) badyzed minerals from meteorites, which are preserved at the Museum The natural history field which is probably the first to be formed in the solar system

The sun "was very active at the beginning of his life, with many eruptions, and expelled an intense flow of charged particles "(protons and other subatomic particles), explained University of Chicago professor Phillip Heck, one of the authors of the # 39; study.

The minerals badyzed are pale blue hibonite crystals and their composition contains typical characteristics of chemical reactions that only they could have produced if the first Sun had spat out many energetic particles.

These crystals were formed more than 4,500 million years ago and preserve the data of some of the first events in our solar system. less than 100 microns, still retain traces of the highly volatile rare gases that were produced by the radiation of the star at the dawn of his

In its early days, the Solar System was formed only by the star and a huge disk of gas and dust that swirled around it, creating a very hot area, with a temperature of over 1500 degrees – the surface temperature of Venus, the planet the hottest is only 466 degrees –

The hibonite crystals, which had previously been badyzed, have now been subjected to the examination of the latest technology. It was a point to reveal secrets that had been hidden because there were not enough sensitive instruments, explained another of the study's authors, Levke Kööp.

The new badyzes have established, to the surprise of scientists, that the tiny blue crystals contain traces of helium and neon, which constitutes [traduction] "the first concrete evidence" of the first stage troubled by the Sun, which he had long suspected. [196590] 02] The new findings also give "clear evidence" that solar disk materials were irradiated directly, Kööp said.

And also the oldest elements of the solar system have experienced a phase of irradiation which has not pbaded the younger materials, what experts believe it means that "a change major occurred in the nascent solar system after the formation of the Hibonites " he said.

] "Maybe," he said, "the Sun's activity decreased, or perhaps the materials that were formed later were unable to move to the regions of the disc where this radiation was produced ". EFE

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