The Syrian Army pulls out rebels a city in the south of the country


REFERENCE | Forces of Democratic Syria

Syrian government forces took control of the city of Saida, east of the southern province of Deraa, after resumption of attacks due to the failure of negotiations between the rebel factions and Russia, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said that Syrian government troops had snatched rebels from the city of Saida after heavy bombardment and fire of Artillery that led to the liberation of Damascus. He also said the forces were less than six kilometers from a border crossing with Jordan.

Six members of the same family, including four children, died today in the same city.

and a woman, by the bombing of the air Syria and Russian, according to the Observatory.

The warplanes of Damascus and Moscow today launched more than 600 attacks in several points of the province of Deraa in order to advance the offensive, which began on June 19.

Representatives of Russia and opposition factions have met in recent days to try to reach an agreement to end hostilities in the region, although negotiations have failed. EFE

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