The three dissidents who plan to "rebuild" the FARC – La República CE


REFERENCE | Photo taken from @ecos_la

Bogotá (EFE) .- In the jungles of the Colombian department of Guaviare in the south of the country, three guerrillas of the FARC who did not accept it. Peace Agreement signed in 2016 advances a plan to "refound" one known until this year as the oldest guerrilla war in America.

According to a report published in the last edition of Semana magazine, the leaders of the reorganization of the armed group are Generation García Molina aka "Jean 40" ; Miguel Botache aka "Gentil Duarte" and Edgar Salgado aka "Rodrigo Cadete" .

The three, says the publication, are dissidents of the historical front of the FARC, "one of the guerrilla's parent structures," and began to freeze the idea of ​​grouping at the end of 2016

For that, says Semana, "the groups work together, collect money and move their bases among the communities"

Even, he adds, "they would have a specific date for the meeting that would mark the resurgence "of which an indeterminate number of insurgents, since the figures vary between the 1,463 dissidents of those who speak the official documents and the 4,000 reported by the foreign intelligence agencies. [19659003] However, the intention is to invoke 8,000 fighters before finishing 2019 [1 9459009]

The leadership of the group is in the hands of "Gentil Duarte", which was the first guerrilla warfare FARC to leave the peace process and which is currently being accompanied by some 250 men.

Financing for both the criminal activities that are advancing today as to the possible "refoundation" are based on drug trafficking .

For this, argues the magazine, "John 40" is responsible for the economic support the roads and export "cocaine.

These activities are conducted in Colombia as well as in Venezuela ] and Brazil where he already had alliances with the cartels North Comando Vermelho and First Command of the Capital .

In total, he There are 29 dissident groups of FARC in the country, but only 11 have come forward until the moment you intend to make

One of the interested parties is Walter Patricio Arizala Vernaza aka "Guacho" Head of Front Oliver Sinisterra Ecuador .

Its main enclave is Tumaco considered the municipality from Colombia with the highest percentage of coca crops and where the second The country's largest port is located on the Pacific Ocean, which has attracted the attention of Mexican cartels seeking a rapprochement with dissent.

In 2018 "Guacho" became famous because of the kidnapping and subsequent killing of three members of a newspaper team of the Ecuadorian newspaper El Comercio .

Then he also kidnapped and murdered some residents of the neighboring country and carried out at least three terrorist attacks against Tumaco's electrical infrastructure

In addition, this week, three officers of the Office of the Prosecutor were murdered by the Sinisterra Front Oliver in this region, which made "Guacho" one of the most wanted men by Joint Task Force Hercules composed of 9,600 men of the army , navy, air force and police.

They joined other structures of military forces across the country. "1,272 operations, which resulted in the loss of 305 arrests, 62 dissidents killed and the seizure of nearly 100 tons of cocaine", which aims to prevent the resurgence of the FARC as guerrillas. EFE (I)

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