The Tiahuanaco map, something that "happens once in a lifetime" for a Spaniard


"The discovery of the site map are those things that happen to scientists or not, it's normal that they do not happen to us." It happened to me, morally and professionally, not to me dissociate from Tiahuanaco for the rest of my days, "he told Efe

Gallegos led a conservation and research project promoted by for Education, Science and Culture (Unesco) and funded by Japanese funds to improve the management of the site, located 71 kilometers from La Paz.

The archaeologist acknowledges that he had studied Tiahuanacota civilization and that "Tiahuanaco is one of the most interesting civilizations because we do not know much about it, we have been investigating for almost 150 years and we are eluding many questions, "he said.] Tiahuanaco was the capital of the former pre-Hispanic empire of the same name, of which it remains as the Temple of Kalasasaya, the Semi-underground Temple, or Puerta del Sol

According to some Bolivian researchers, Tiahuanaco was born as a village around 1580 BC and it became an imperial state in 724, although it was diminished around 1187 AD

The site, inscribed on the World Heritage List since 2000, has great spiritual significance for the Andean world. Therefore, every year, it hosts the ancestral ceremonies of welcome to the new year Aymara on June 21 and was elected for the inaugurations in 2006, 2010 and 2015 of President Evo Morales as the leader of indigenous peoples. After his electoral victories

For Gallegos, this was one of those "vertebral civilizations that could unite different territories, different people and create a common cultural amalgam that has survived for nearly 1000 years".

The Spaniards valued civilization, "not only at the Latin American level but at the level of the whole world", and compared it to "other very great empires".

The Iion Conservation Project, which lasted three years, included a topographic survey to establish the actual citadel area of ​​this ancient pre-Hispanic civilization.

"Now we know the true extent of the site, we are talking about 600 hectares, and we have 750 hectares controlled." Gallegos revealed that [traduction]

expert acknowledged that during these 150 years of research, "a real contribution" to the conservation of the site had not been decided, despite the fact that Archaeological research and tourism had been promoted, but "without effective control by the managers themselves. "

The project continues now in the hands of Bolivia, and without international support, although Gallegos and his team continue the diagnostic work.

" The next step is that They are able to implement, that they will do it because they are very professional, all those we created with them and see the movement of the project, "he said. 19659003] Gallegos felt that the expectations of the program "were d past two hundred percent "thanks to the work of & # 39; Team and the & # 39; international aid. EFE

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