The United States has gathered 450 children detained with their parents – La República CE


REFERENCE | ARCHIVE | Migrant children held at the border of the United States and Mexico. Photo taken from

San Diego (USA) (EFE) .- The United States Government reported today that it has brought together 450 older children from 5 to 17 years who were separated from their parents at the border, a "progress" in the eyes of the magistrate who sees the case and who gave until July 26 to collect a total

When of a hearing in federal court of San Diego where a lawsuit is brought against the administration of the President of the United States, Donald Trump government lawyers have out of a total of 2,551 children in this age group, only 1,606 are eligible for reunification.

To date, the Government has returned 450 children to their parents in this age group, when less than one child is missing. week of the expiration of the deadline, a process that was seen by the federal judge Dana Sabraw as a "great progress" at least among the eligible minors.

The judge, who at previous sessions had been tough and emphatic with prosecutors at the Justice Ministry even declared that he saw a "promising" scenario for a complete reunification in time and in complete security for minors.

Representatives of the Department of Justice pointed out, as they did on Thursday. in a report sent to the court, cases where reunification does not apply include parents with a criminal record or who have waived this benefit because they prefer to be deported without their children.

The American Civil Liberties (ACLU) who filed the clbad action on behalf of parents separated from their children, asked the judge that the government list the 136 parents who waived their right to reunification to make sure they understand this involves this decision, especially "no longer seeing their children".

Human rights advocates agree that one must pay attention to parents who make this "tough decision".

As part of the reunification plan published by the Department of Health and Social Services (HHS), it is contemplated that the parent records his intention to return with his child and, to do this, we proceed to the meeting within 48 hours.

Today, government lawyers have stated that 954 parents have already been questioned and have received federal approval and, in this sense, are waiting for the number of reunifications to increase in the coming days. when the deadline imposed by the magistrate approaches.

During today's hearing, prosecutors from the Department of Justice recalled that once the child delivered to the father, the leave of the family on probation, with an electric anklet.

In the brief presented to the courts last Thursday, the federal government said it had an eviction order of 719 per cent. They are part of the subject of this clbad action.

According to the text, ACLU received from the government a daily list with the names of parents who have already been approved for reunification, however this organization asked in the same document that before this weekend, a list parents already released by the Immigration Service are given to him.

This week, Sabraw ordered to stop at least until Monday the deportations of newly reunited families so that they have the opportunity to badyze his legal options, including understood that the child remains in United States .

Lawyers for both parties did not comment to the press at the end of today's hearing, the Fifth held in two weeks

In June of last year, Sabraw JA ordered the government to reunite the approximately 3,000 children who had been separated from their families after crossing the ] Mexico border as part of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy with Illegal immigration

Last Tuesday, the first part of the mandate given by the magistrate to the government to reunify families of children was fulfilled. The government had to provide 103 children under the age of five, but this figure was eventually reduced to a little under 60, according to the executive, for safety measures with children, among other reasons.

ACLU recommended some type of compensation for children under five, among them, that the government establish a fund to provide them with "emotional therapies". EFE (I)

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