The "victory" of Chayo – La República EC


Alberto Molina

Alberto Molina
Guayaquil, Ecuador

Since April, Nicaragua was living in hell, that of the couple Ortega Murillo, despite thousands of votes, governments, organizations , from the Church, they ask that they stop this bloodbath (the victims of this brutal genocide are approaching 400). But the obstinacy of the couple in power refuses to abandon power and with cynicism they continue to brandish the red and black flag of the Sandinista Front.

For this couple of dictators, the Sandinista Front, only the name remains. The ineffable quirky Rosario Murillo aka The Chayo proclaimed as a "victory", the taking by the blood and fire of Masaya and the repression brutal of the humble people of the district of Monimbó .

With the cynicism that characterizes him, alias La Chayo, declared, without flinching: "We proclaim our victory, our advance over these dark and evil forces" . What's darker and diabolical than the Murillo?

But faced with this tragedy, there are clever voices like Pepe Mujica who tells us of Uruguay: "I remember names and comrades who left their lives in Nicaragua to fight for a dream. I feel that something that was a dream, deviates, falls into the autocracy and I understand that those who were revolutionaries yesterday, lost the sense that in life there are times when you have to say "I'm leaving ".

Reach the ears of the couple of dictators as ferocious or ferocious as the Somozas, just like in the tormented Venezuela, where reigns the behemoth, the evil Maduro, besides the ineffable and ladino Morales in Bolivia.

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