The worst heat wave in decades has caused dozens of deaths in Canada and the United States.



Dozens of people died last week in southern Canada and the eastern United States. Health authorities said that in Canada, health authorities in the province of Quebec have increased the number of deaths to 33 and have not ruled out the possibility of a temperature increase above 35 degrees.

Most of the deceased are men between the ages of 53 and 80 and, in many cases, had mental health problems as well as respiratory and cardiac problems and did not have air conditioning in their house.

In 2010, when another wave of heat and humidity hit Quebec on exactly the same dates, more than 100 deaths were attributed to extreme temperatures

Then, the heat wave lasted six days, from July 4 to July 9 and the maximum temperature was 34.8 degrees Celsius, lower than the one reached this week in Quebec.

The Canadian Meteorological Service reported that thermometers would reach 35 degrees Celsius on Thursday. in Montreal, although meteorologists have warned that "wetx", the moisture index used to describe the thermal sensation, indicates that the temperature will be equivalent between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius.

While in the United States, the heat wave affects parts of the northeastern part of the country, as well as the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, with a population of more than 90 million of people.

Several people lost their lives in this country because of

CNN reported that a woman died in Pennsylvania from a heart attack while she was working in her garden, so that a man, aged 30, died in the state of New York while he was participating in a race.

According to the doctors who treated her, her body temperature reached 42 degrees Celsius, which damaged her brain.

In Canada and the United States, forecasters predict n the heatwave will begin to decline on Friday, after a week of temperatures that have arrived in the case of Montreal at 36.6 degrees Celsius, a new record that surpbades the previous one of 36.1 degrees recorded in 1931. [19659004] Until the arrival of relief, the Montreal authorities, where there have been 18 of the 33 deaths recorded so far, have continued to recommend today to the population to take extreme precautions and to help the most vulnerable neighbors, as advanced people

"We do not want any other deaths to occur," said the Quebec Minister of Public Health, Lucie Charlebois.

Charlebois recalled in his statement the phones that citizens can call to solve the problem.

During the past week, emergency services received an average of 1,200 calls per day, which is 33% more than usual.

is warned that the 911 and Montreal ambulance service is collapsed by the number of callers on issues indirectly related to the heat wave.

Montreal has allowed 19 public buildings to be "cooling centers" for those who do not have air conditioning in their homes can look for temporary shelter.

Charlebois also sent a message of hope to the millions of people who have endured a week of extreme temperatures and advanced that weather conditions will improve in the next few hours. [19659004"Thesituationshouldreturntothenormalsoon"hewarned

Forecasters predict that Montreal's maximum Friday temperature will be reduced to 23 degrees Celsius, a situation that will continue over the weekend.

In the northeastern United States, meteorologists coincide with a drop in temperatures from Friday. [19659004] However, US meteorologists have warned that the west coast of the country will begin to experience rising temperatures from the weekend, which can worsen forest fires in California. EFE


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