Theresa May receives criticism for the change in the Brexit project


July 18, 2018, 09:24

The Prime Minister has received several criticism from members of his own party for the changes she has made to her bill for the departure of the United Kingdom from the United Kingdom. European Union. 19659003] British Prime Minister Theresa May appeared in parliament on Wednesday to discuss "Brexit" and other issues

. She does this with changes to her bill for the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union

Stephen Kinnock, Labor MP, said in NTN24 that "if the UK can get out from the political framework of the European Union and simply follow the economic framework, I think it is the "Brexit" .We leave the EU without destroying the British economy. "

"Theresa May has a more pragmatic and logical stance and that's fine, what happens is that she has about 40-50 deputies in her party who are nationalists and they have a point of view ideological in all that is "Brexit", added the deputy.

Writing NTN24

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