They blame the video games of the elimination of Germany in # Russia2018


Source: AS

Germany This ogre who thrives on glory, was engulfed by the champion's curse against South Korea there is more than 39, one week . A bump, that of the world champion always in title, which flooded the blankets of the media of the whole world and still stuck.

If you fall for the first time in your history of laureates at the first change of a World Cup, it is the cause of chance or chance . Already it was not what, but the how . The reasons are still to be examined and, therefore, Joachim Löw conscientious and methodical man, took a long period of reflection before reporting his continuity to the German Football Association (DFB ). The link between the technician and the Maanschaft extends until 2022.

Löw leaves nothing to chance and wanted to understand what was wrong and why in the living room. German national team in Russia . One of the questions asked by the coach himself is whether the level of concentration of the German players was sufficient for the World Cup requirement . In Russia there was not a team, but a group of people he is claimed the hard core of the quadruple world champion.

In the context described, Oliver Bierhoff The manager of the Teutonic and Authoritative Combined Voice, admitted that "many players withdrew in themselves …" . To the point of preferring video games to reality? [19659016] According to Bild many German players extended their game nights on the PlayStation until the wee hours . Bierhoff and Löw, confused, would have even taken the step of stopping the internet to prevent the players from connecting and being challenged from one room to the other or with their friends in Germany. Thus, they have invested their free time in FIFA 18 or Call of Duty, instead of trying to form a group a quality that makes the difference to lift such a tournament. The paper Welt which goes further, speaks of "children on vacation in pajamas, more than professionals and adults on a mission to obtain a title" . f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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