They find in England a valuable copy of the EA Declaration of Independence. UU | NTN24


04 July 2018, 07:46

The evidence supports the hypothesis that it was written in the 1780s, said the West Susbad Council, a few years after the proclamation of the declaration in 1776.

  They find in England a precious copy of the declaration of independence of the EE. UU

A rare and valuable copy of the United States Declaration of Independence. UU It was found in a British file in the newspapers of an aristocrat who supported the rebels, authorities reported Wednesday.

A research team led by professors from Harvard University found the handwritten copy at the registry office. of West Susbad County, in the English city of Chichester.

The evidence supports the badumption that it was written in the 1780s, said the West Susbad Council, a few years after the proclamation of the declaration in 1776, whose commemoration is this Wednesday 4 July, according to the agency. new AFPs.

By a statement, the board noted that the document is "the only contemporary handwritten copy on parchment of the Declaration of Independence other than the signed copy found in the National Archives of Washington DC", the one known as the name of Matlack Declaration

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