They ratify 16 years for violation of the actor Pepe Tola


Ratify 16 years of rape against the actor Pepe Tola | The EC Republic

Actor Pepe Tola.

A court upheld the 16-year prison sentence against the actor José Luis Tola Sandoval of Guayaquil, as determined at the appeal hearing held on Friday, 13 June. 19659004] Pepe Tola was accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in 2014. In February of this year, the court of criminal guarantees sentenced the actor to 16 years in prison. The prosecutor in charge, César Peña, asked that the penalty be raised to 29 years – maximum penalty provided for this crime in the Penal Code – but only the deprivation of liberty stipulated in the first instance of the case was ratified . (D)

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