They seek to cancel the release of the Netflix series on the obese


The new series of Netflix, "Insatiable", unpublished, is already criticized by thousands of people who are conducting a campaign of collecting signatures to cancel its launch.

already has a release date for August 10 and with Alyssa Milano and Debby Ryan shows an obese teenager who is teased by his clbadmates. After losing weight, she dreams of one thing: revenge

User demand claims that the series encourages women to "judge their value of their bodies" and immortalizes the culture of diets and the reification of Body

Consumers say that they are still in time to cancel the series because it plays on the insecurities of women who think that "to be happy and worthwhile, they must lose weight."

Debby Ryan defended the production on his Instagram account and said: "As someone who cares deeply about how bodies, especially women's bodies, are subject to ridicule or scrutiny, I was excited to work on "Insatiable" because it's a series that faces these problems by satire, "wrote the actress, who remembers" 12 years of struggle with the image of my body, which took me to terrible places where I never want to come back. "

of the series is to point out to those who harbad and make them see that their performances are not correct.

His character" undergoes a physical transformation, but that does not make her happy. We do not do this to make you ashamed of being overweight. We want to show the harmful and inadequate systems that equate thinness with value, "adds the protagonist, inviting to see the production before judging it.

The directors of Netflix have not yet pronounced despite the consultation of the 39 news agency

This is not the first time that the streaming giant is the subject of criticism, a few months ago the controversy was generated by "13 Reasons Why" accused of to promote suicide among adolescents

@insatiable [19659011] A shared message from (@debbyryan) on

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