They warn possible new eruptive impulse in the volcano of the Galapagos archipelago


Sierra Negra Volcano. photo taken from the Twitter account of the Ministry of Ecuador Environment.

The Geophysical Institute (IG) today warned of a possible new eruptive impulse in the volcano Sierra Negra located on Isabela Island, the most The appearance of seismic tremors and the presence of thermal anomalies in the satellite images suggest the beginning of a new eruptive impulse ", located on the northwestern flank of the volcano. Sierra Negra says a report of the IG published today on their social networks.

He noted that these anomalies were recorded Saturday afternoon and confirmed the reports of those responsible of the Galapagos National Park, then he recommended not approaching the area of ​​activity.

In his report, the IG pointed out that the volcano Sierra Negra located in the south of Isabela Island, 24 kilometers from Puer to Villamil, it is one of the most active volcanoes. Galapagos f.

" He has presented 7 eruptions over the past 70 years. On June 26 of this year, the Sierra Negra volcano began its most recent eruptive period . "In its report, the IG stressed that the clearest indication of a new magmatic intrusion was the magnitude 5.2 earthquake occurred in the aftermath. noon of July 4, after which 68 earthquakes were recorded located in the volcano Sierra Negra with magnitudes between 1.1 and 3.9

Tuesday, the Committee of Cantonal Emergency Operations (COE) of Isabela Island ordered the partial reopening of the volcano visit site Sierra Negra .

The Management of the Galapagos National Park has detailed that among the management measures implemented work for the entrance of visitors to the established area of ​​Sierra Negra volcano while maintaining the orange alert, figure that visitors have safety equipment (disposable sunglbades, long pants, long-sleeved shirts , shoes ap

Outside of these instruments s, the guide must have a first aid kit and only in case of evacuation, it will be allowed the entry of motorized vehicles to mobilize visitors to the checkpoint El Cura,

end of June, the Authorities decreed the orange alert for the eruption of the volcano, but shortly thereafter, in the face of declining seismic activity, the WCC decided to allow the return to their localities to the evacuees . [19659004] The Galapagos are made up of thirteen islands that have several volcanic buildings, the most important in Isabela and Fernandina.

The Galapagos Islands were declared in 1978 as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The archipelago owes its name to the large turtles that inhabit it, and its terrestrial and marine reserves contain a rich biodiversity, considered as a natural laboratory, which allowed the scientist The British scientist Charles Darwin develops his theory on evolution and natural selection of species. EFE


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