They will try that Anangonó and Guerra arrive at the match against Emelec


Source: StudioFootball

Richard Cabezas, doctor of the University Sports League of Quito, spoke Thursday morning with colleagues from THE VOICES OF THE SOCCER FM SPORTS AREA on the medical situation of "albos & # 39; of some players.

"At night we had a lot of news, and Juan Luis Anangonó's case is a muscular injury, depending on the needs of the team, and we will try to prepare it as quickly as possible," he said.

Immediately, he added: "The (Franklin) Guerra is of less magnitude.Today, both are in regenerative work.We hope that they are available.Gerra is more likely than Anangono to recover for the weekend. "

"We will continue to evaluate to see if they are this same weekend and our goal, if it does not come, would be the next match (the last day)," he added.

"Salaberry is already under the orders of the physical trainer, he plays football at the same level as his teammates, they are progressing, they are coming back to the level, but I do not think it's for this weekend," he said. he declares.

He then added, "Pellerano's injury is already about a week old, but he is not disabled, if I was not there I would play."

Finally, in "La Musa", he said: "The recovery of Anderson Ordonez is going well, there is another check for December 4 and we will continue to see him there" .

Note from: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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