This is how JLo did not wear makeup during her 49th birthday


The years pbad and Jennifer Lopez is still intact and very sensual, or at least she lets it see in her recent publication of her 49th birthday celebration, in which she appears without makeup and very radiant.

Jennifer Lopez was 49 years old and celebrated this important date in the Bahamas with her boyfriend Alex Rodriguez, her children Emme, Alexander, and with them, the two daughters of the former New York Yankees player Ella and Natasha, product of her ex-marriage with Cynthia Scurtis.

On his Instagram account, JLo showed his millions of followers a photo in which he seems to enjoy his family on the beach.

Alex Rodríguez did not miss the opportunity and accompanied him He took the opportunity to congratulate her on Instagram with a series of pictures of her holidays, in addition to write him an emotional message.

"When we were kids, birthdays were exciting because of the gifts we received. new, some dance shoes, maybe a new CD (yes, I'm old!). I see first-hand how it has changed for Jennifer and how she has found the joy of sharing with others. For someone who gave everything he has 365 days a year (our children, our families, the world), I hope that today we can give him all the happiness that he deserves. I love you a lot Macha 13 ", Rodríguez wrote in his account.

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