July 18, 2018, 08:55
Tom Campbell, an immigration lawyer, has spoken with NTN24 about a campaign against undocumented people being broadcast in cities US.
Tom Campbell, an immigration lawyer, spoke with NTN24 about a campaign of complaints against undocumented migrants in the United States. UU and badured that "it is illegal to pretend that you are an FBI agent or immigration officer to investigate, stop or take action against immigrants."
In front of the campaign of some posters placed in the streets, the lawyer said very positive "that many people" suppress the ads, so the community is not completely in favor and when the people see wants to remove them. "
Finally, the lawyer sent a message to the undocumented and said what to do is" be quiet and live normally, as long as they have more caution with the law of the ". State so that there is less chance that Immigration is aware of you. "
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