Trade is the main activity of large and medium enterprises in Ecuador


Ecuador opens on the world with the signing of a trade agreement with EFTA. Photo taken from the Flickr of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

51.16 percent of large and medium-sized enterprises in Ecuador are engaged in trade and 13.87 percent in manufacturing, according to a study published today by the company. National Institute of Statistics and One of the results of the survey of enterprises (2016) covered 4,003 companies from seventeen sectors, such as manufacturing, supply of electricity, trade, financial and insurance activities, among others. 19659004] In 2016, the companies badyzed paid $ 16.4 billion in compensation, of which 26.8% were payments made by manufacturing industries.

The wholesale and retail trade industries followed. 24.9% of total payments in 2016.

The INEC study also indicated that among the main products manufactured by companies for human consumption include white sugar, wheat flour , roz semielaborado polished sugar, pasteurized milk, among others. EFE

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