Trial against Chevron will continue in foreign courts after ruling in Ecuador – La República CE


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The Constitutional Court of Ecuador ended this week the historic dispute for the Chevron oil company to pay a million-dollar compensation to indigenous communities affected by serious pollution in the Amazon. twenty years, although the battle for money must continue abroad.

The Constitutional Court, a court of last instance, dismissed a Chevron lawsuit in 2014, which sought to quash the conviction, forcing him to pay $ 9,500 million in compensation for the serious environmental damages that he suffered. he is accused of having left in the Amazon.

With the decision of the Constitutional Court in Ecuador that lasted 25 years, ends, although the perception of the amount imposed on the oil giant continues abroad, since in Chevron country does not have operations or interests. [19659004] The plaintiffs must therefore seek badets from Chevron abroad for confiscation, while the company hopes that these actions will not prosper.

The American multinational badures that justice in Ecuador where the lawsuit was settled on its own initiative, acted in a kind of conspiracy against him and that is why he says that he wants to believe that recovery actions will not be carried out abroad.

The California-based company says that it is calm and encouraged by the setbacks that the plaintiffs have suffered in Argentina and Brazil, where justice has recently halted its aspirations.

Not even in the United States, while in Canada the case continues in a third instance, after two initial rejections.

In addition, Chevron expects that an Arbitration Court in The Hague will decide in its favor in the dispute against the Ecuadorian State, which seeks to endorse the Andean country the aunt imposed by Ecuadorian justice against him in 2011.

After hearing the decision of the Constitutional Court, Chevron's spokesman for Latin America, James Craig, stressed that this decision is part of behavior of Ecuador to harm him.

"Judgment (…) is consistent with the model of denial of justice, fraud and corruption against Chevron in Ecuador " Craig said.

He also recalls that the courts of the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada and Gibraltar have evaded plaintiffs' claims for recovery, which he says "confirm that the Ecuadorian fraudulent judgment must be unenforceable in respect of the rule of law. "

" Chevron will continue to work through international tribunals to expose and hold accountable individuals involved in judicial fraud and extortion against the company in Ecuador ", concluded Craig.

The responsibility in this contamination would actually be Texaco, acquired years later by Chevron, who also alleges that the Ecuadorian State took over

For Pablo Fajardo, plaintiffs' attorney, the statement of Craig agrees with Chevron's usual position of evading his responsibilities.

On the case of arbitration in The Hague He said that it was a dispute between the US oil company and the Ecuadorian state, in which nothing has to do with indigenous communities.

And he said that for him it is a Chevron maneuver to "blackmail" the Ecuadorian state. If the arbitration tribunal rules against the country, it should take over the amount imposed on the oil company.

Fajardo considered that the arbitration courts r companies but notes that in this case, by the evidence that exists against Chevron, expects the Ecuadorian State to make a defense effective and that justice be done.

The plaintiffs are investigating to introduce new recovery actions in other countries where Chevron has badets – such as Nigeria, Australia, New Zealand or Singapore – although Fajardo has said that the only thing in particular, for the moment, is a lawsuit in Canada

"we will say in which other country" will open the proceedings, added the lawyer, however , admitted that the oil company was able to escape the Ecuadorian sentence.

"No business in the world can live forever as a fugitive of justice Chevron is a fugitive of justice" Fajardo remarks.

Affected individuals claim that Chevron, as owner of Texaco, who operated in the Ecuadorian Amazon between 1964 and 1992, not only caused serious damage to nature, but also caused many diseases that have put an end to the lives of many people in the region. EFE

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