Trump asks the NFL to suspend players protesting in the American anthem. UU | NTN24


The President of the United States UU., Asked the Professional Football League (NFL) to suspend workers who kneel during the US National Anthem next season .

The president has proposed that the players protest for the first time that they are expelled by a party, while a second protest badumes the expulsion of the whole season with suspension of salary.

"The debate on the national anthem in the NFL is alive and active again, no I can believe it, is not in the contract that players must remain firm, hands on hearts? "Trump said on Twitter:

" The commissioner (of the NFL, Roger Goodell) who charges $ 40 million now must take sides The first time kneeling, offside Second time kneeling, off season without pay " , added the president.

President faces NFL athletes kneeling for months. The American anthem rings UU to protest police violence against African Americans in the country.

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