Trump says that he told Putin that he would not tolerate more Russian interference – The EC Republic


United States President Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Friday, February 2, 2018 in Washington. (Photo AP / Evan Vucci)

US President Donald Trump today said at his summit last Monday in Helsinki with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin ]] told him that he could not "accept" that Moscow would continue to interfere with the American political system.

In an interview with CBS News, Trump also stated that he considers that Putin ] is responsible for the alleged Russian interference in the presidential elections of 2016, "because he's in charge of the country."

" I was very firm saying that we can not have interference, we can not]," Trump said in the interview , which will be broadcast this afternoon and the channel has advanced an excerpt

"I let you know that we can not accept this, that we will not accept it, it is thus that the things will happen. "

Trump Reiter He believes that Russia interfered in the US elections that gave him victory in 2016, a statement that he has made this Tuesday after questioning the question at his press conference with Putin Monday

To the question of knowing he considers Putin responsible for this interference, the President replied, "Yes, I believe him, because he is responsible for the country," he said Trump.

"Just as I consider myself responsible for what is happening in this country, certainly, as the leader of this country, we should consider him as responsible, yes."

Trump gave this interview shortly after baderting, at a meeting with his cabinet, that "no US president" was "harder on Russia" than he , and that " Putin knows it better than anyone else ". EFE


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