Trump travels to Helsinki for his first bilateral meeting with Putin – La República CE


President Donald Trump, speaking from the White House Diplomatic Reception Hall in Washington, recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on Wednesday, December 6, 2017. (AP Photo / Evan Vucci) [19659002] Washington (EFE) .- The American President, Donald Trump today declared that he had "low expectations" before the bilateral summit with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin scheduled for tomorrow Monday. in Helsinki .

"I leave with few expectations I do not leave with high expectations" Trump said in an interview broadcast today by the US television network CBS News.

"But I think I have meetings with Russia, China or North Korea, nothing will come out of it, and maybe something good will come out." he added.

Asked about his goals during this meeting with Putin, Trump just said that he would tell them after the meeting. It is expected that in their first bilateral meeting, the two leaders will talk about Syria Ukraine Arms Control and the alleged interference of Russia in the 2016 US elections, a topic on which Trump was skeptical and motivated in the United States. A federal inquiry into the links between his environment and Moscow

In this context, Trump said that he was going to request the extradition of the 12 Russian agents accused Friday of a cyber-attack against the servers from the Democrat Campaign Hillary Clinton who claimed to influence the 2016 presidential election.

"I did not think about it. But without a doubt, I will ask. But again, it was under the (Barack) Obama administration. They did anything during the Obama administration " the president insisted.

Trump has already blamed the former president Barack Obama ( 2009-2017) for not acting to prevent and punish Russian piracy in the Clinton campaign

The president said in a tweet that Obama has not acted on the issue "because & # 39; 39, he thought that Hillary Clinton would win "the presidential elections."

"That's the reason," added the president, who also accused the cover-up that "fake media" give to this question EFE (I)

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