Trump warns May that there will be no commercial deal with his Brexit plan


Washington, May 27. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, confirmed that the American officials are in North Korea for the summit that will have these two nations. Photograph: Second Focus

The President of the United States Donald Trump warned the British Prime Minister Theresa May today that "probably" you do not have to … will not get a trade deal with his country if his plan of "brexit" goes from the front

In an interview with the British newspaper The Sun, published during his first official visit to the Kingdom United, Trump ] said that the plans for for a "brexit" would end with a possible agreement and that would mean that the United States would maintain commercial relations with the European Union rather than with this country.

May pleaded tonight for a free trade agreement with the United States at a dinner at the Blenheim Palace, with which he received Trump and his wife , Melania.

After today the British government send to Brussels the White Book of "brexit", which cost the resignation of two of its principal ministers, Trump supported Boris Johnson, replacing Exteriors, who resigned because he understood that the UK was subject to the EU's admitting his plans.

Trump added in the interview that Johnson, whom he claims to be a "friend", would be a "great prime minister" and added that he had "all that is needed "to be".

The Checkers agreement, signed last Friday to obtain a free exchange of goods with the block, would mean that it "would deal with the European Union instead of dealing with the United Kingdom, so "

Trump argued that he had said May how to conclude an agreement to leave the United Kingdom from the European Union, but" she He did not agree, he did not listen, "he added.

"I told her how to do it – it's up to her to make the decision but she wanted to take a different route."

The US president also said that he "was taking "decisive measures" against the EU because "they have not treated the United States equitably.The UK government has today transmitted to the EU the white paper with its project for future bilateral relations, which includes a common market for goods, defense cooperation and facilities for the mobility of citizens [19659005] Brussels' response will be the key to determining the evolution of the government of May, struck by resignation due to disagreements with Johnson's official strategy, and EU exit minister, David Davis, visible faces of the more radical "brexit"

The White Paper details the future framework, complementary to the retreat agreement The EU also negotiated, and includes proposals for economic partnership, security and in other mixed areas as well as a "constitutional" framework for governance and oversight of the future relationship.

In the economic field proposes the creation of a "free trade area of ​​goods, with normative equivalence and a" Facilitated Customs Facility ", which would make this country and the Twenty-seven operate as" a customs territory combined. "

This would avoid the imposition of border controls, including at the border with Ireland, a central demand from Brussels when that country leaves the bloc on 29 March 2019. EFE

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