Turkey asks the United States to change its threatening language – The EC Republic


Erdogan, President of Turkey. Photo File

The Turkish Government has stated today that if the United States wants to maintain long-term ties with Turkey, it must change its "threatening language" alluding to the threat of sanctions. against Ankara if she does not release an American pastor. "If the United States wants to develop long-term relations with Turkey, they have to change this threatening language" Turkish parliament speaker Binali Yildirim told the media.

Yildirim alluded to the statements of US President Donald Trump who warned yesterday that if Ankara does not release US pastor Andrew Brunson, who has been detained since October 2016, his government will impose sanctions on Turkey .

The public prosecutor's office considers that Brunson has links with the armed group of the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), the Kurdish secessionist guerilla in Turkey, which is linked to the brotherhood of the Islamist preacher Ce Fethullah Gülen, exiled to the United States. United, to which Ankara attributes the 2016 failed coup d'état.

"The United States must remember that there was a coup d'etat here on July 15, 2016 and its leader , Fethullah Gülen " Yildirim declares.

" Our advice is that they must find a way to gain the confidence of the Turks " he added.

Last night, the Minister Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu and his US counterpart Mike Pompeo spoke on the phone after warnings from the US president, although the details of the conversation were not revealed.

Brunson raised tensions between Ankara and Washingt whose ties have been at a critical juncture since 2017 due to the arrest of two Turkish employees of US diplomatic missions, accused by Ankara of collaborating with Gülen.

This incident provoked a diplomatic crisis with the suspension of the issuance of visas in the embbadies of the two countries in the respective capitals EFE

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